American Beech

Pollen Type: Tree
Cross-Reactivity: Other Beeches
HS Allergy Extract: Beech, American
Family: Fabaceae
Genus/Species: Fagus grandifolia
Common Names: American Beech, North American Beech
Distribution: Temperate and subtropical areas of the Eastern United States.
Locations: Forest
Pollination Method: Wind-pollinated
Pollinating Period: March – May
Description: American Beech is a large deciduous tree growing 52’–115′ tall with smooth, silver-gray bark. The simple dark green leaves are 2 1/2”–4 3⁄4” long with a short leaf stalk and sparsely toothed margins (edges) that terminate each vein. The long slender winter twigs are unique, with two rows of overlapping scales on the buds. Beech buds are distinctly thin and long, resembling cigars. The tree is monoecious, with flowers of both sexes on the same tree, and are yellowish green. Male flowers have spherical heads about 3/4” in diameter. Female flowers have short, hairy stalks, typically grow in pairs, and are surrounded by numerous needle-shaped bracts. Its fruit is a small, sharp-angled nut which grow in pairs in a soft-spined, four-lobed husk.